• 6686体育(中国)官方网站

    AP/Trina Solar Publishes White Paper on Global Inverters Matching for Trina Solar Vertex Series Modules


    Trina Solar has published a&nbsp;white paper&nbsp;on&nbsp;‘Inverter Matching for&nbsp;Trina Solar’s Vertex Series PV Modules’, including the 410W, 510W, 550W, 600W and 670W series. This is the first intelligent inverters&nbsp;matching database in the global photovoltaic industry.<br />
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    tracker project test


    AP/TrinaTracker Released the White Paper on “Spherical Bearing: Unique Three-Dimensional Long-Lasting Patented Component,” Proving Its Supreme Performance With More Than 10 Years of Outdoor Installation


    TrinaTracker, a leading tracker manufacturer and business unit of Trina Solar Co., Ltd. (SHA:688599), has released the "TrinaTracker Spherical Bearing: Unique Three-Dimensional Long-Lasting Patented Component White Paper", proving&nbsp;the advantages of the spherical bearing’s unique geometric design through rigorous testing and long-term outdoor reliability.</p>

    AP/TrinaTracker Agile 1P Obtains UL Certificate, Validating Its Reliability in US Market


    TrinaTracker, a leading tracker manufacturer and business unit of Trina Solar Co. Ltd. (SHA:688599) has obtained the global safety validation UL 3703 Certificate for its dual-row Agile 1P tracker series.</p>

    The UL 3703 is regarded as a comprehensive and authoritative evaluation standard for solar trackers. The certificate is issued by Underwriters Laboratories, an entity approved by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the United States.</p>

