
When solar project developers and other stakeholders get started on a new installation, they want to partner with a solar module manufacturer they can trust. Word of mouth and marketing can help, but it’s important to look beyond what a company says about itself.

That’s why one of the best ways to determine the right module manufacturer is to check with third-party testers and independent industry sources. A little research will show which module manufacturer is a top performer, is fully bankable and is dedicated to sustainability.

Trina Solar has now provided more than 40 GW of grid-connected projects globally, and the company also has more than 7GW in the global pipeline.

Through a commitment to high-quality manufacturing, innovative R&D and dedicated customer service, Trina Solar has also earned quite a bit of industry recognition. Independent and third-party solar labs and official industry registrars have all recognized Trina Solar’s efforts to remain a cut above its competitors.

All of this hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed either. Project developers, customers, investors and other solar PV project stakeholders all now know a name they can rely on: Trina Solar.


“Top Performer” Five Years and Running

From 2015-2019, Trina Solar has held the honored distinction of being the “Top Performer” among global PV module manufacturers by PV Evolution Labs (PVEL) and DNV GL. Winning this prestigious accolade for five years in a row says a lot about Trina’s PV Evolution Labs and DNV GL. PVEL is the leading independent lab of the downstream solar industry while DNV GL is an accredited registrar and classification society operating in more than 100 countries. These two organizations know the solar industry better than anyone.

This “Top Performer” recognition stems from Trina Solar’s adherence to strict internal quality-control standards and extensive reliability tests. In some instances, Trina Solar’s internal testing standards have a higher bar than the general industry standards. This robust quality control includes nearly 100 inspections during silicon wafer and cell production, with an additional 100 control points for the overall module production process.

Trina Solar remains hard at work in order to bring home the award for the sixth year in a row in 2020.


Consistent Bankability

A solar company’s bankability is just as important as the quality of its products. To help investors assess which solar companies are the most bankable, BloombergNEF provides an annual module bankability report.

During the past decade, BNEF has consistently ranked Trina Solar as one of the most bankable solar companies in the world, including our current four-year streak as the most bankable module supplier. In addition, Trina remains the only module manufacturer to receive a full bankability rating by 100 percent of industry experts for four years in a row. That’s no small feat.

While bankability applies to every company, it plays a special role in the solar industry due to a solar project’s need for an up-front investment and delayed ROI. A solar company’s bankability serves as a gauge for utility-scale and commercial customers to know whether that company has longevity. A high bankability ranking tells prospective project investors and financiers that the company has a healthy and sustainable balance sheet, making it a safe bet for investors.


Commitment to Sustainability

Along with the company’s “Top Performer” and Most Bankability recognition, Trina Solar also continues to demonstrate how a global manufacturer can remain committed to sustainability.

As highlighted in the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 2018 report, Trina Solar received a gold medal from EcoVadis, a global supplier sustainability ratings organization. EcoVadis awarded this gold medal for Trina Solar’s outstanding performance in environmental protection, labor practices, employee rights, business ethics and sustainable procurement.


Looking Ahead to a Brighter Tomorrow

Despite all this recognition, Trina Solar is just getting started. The recent launch of TrinaPro, a one-stop solar solution, illustrates Trina Solar’s ability to reshape the solar industry landscape and move the needle on just what a solar company could - and should - provide.


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